In an ever-transit world, we help businesses and individuals stop people in their tracks by creating digital experiences and curating safe havens that represent humanity in its simplest form. We believe in celebrating art and design to cultivate a vibrant and thriving society. 

Brand Identity

Web Design/Development

Social Media Marketing

Content Creation



Brand Identity ✺ Web Design/Development ✺ Social Media Marketing ✺ Content Creation ✺ Photography ✺ Videography ✺


At CHIKA Creative, branding is more than just a logo. It’s a message that your audience needs and wants to see. Every brand has a story and we have just the right recipe to bring your message to life.


The branding world can be a colorful one - and that’s on purpose. We marinate in the meaning and feeling behind the message you want to convey - and then we carefully curate the exact colors we feel capture the essence of your message.

Core Values

Community Service

We recognize the importance of serving the communities to which we belong. Whether geographically or centered in something we believe in, CHIKA Creative vows to be an active and devoted participant in communities.


In a disposable world, CHIKA Creative is committed to finding ways to sustain our planet. Whether through recycling efforts or finding ways to make old things new again through upcycling, our goal is to leave our earth a better place than we found it.

Meet the team.

Ready to make magic?

Follow along our journey.
